
Get it right first time – pitch

Digital Work for the pitch was very UCD based, and included clickable prototypes in Marvel.
As well as a POC (proof of concept) of a voice controlled video tutorial app. As well as static clickthrough flows of other areas of the site, and examples of personalisation.

Inspiration Engine / Kitchen Configurator


Voice Control Handy Man helper App

We created a simple prototype of this, using an open source voice recognition library – at the time the controls where a simple next and back to walk the client through the slideshow, giving the illusion of it working.

iOS 7 GUI PSD (iPad)

UX flow

click to see wireframes

click to see wireframes

Designed walkthrough (sized for iPad prototype, set up in Marvel)

Adding new functionality to existing pages.

Banner to Basket product adding functionality

Contextual check lists of ideas to get a job done.

Making shopping for a DIY project easier

Making shopping for a DIY project easier

Personalisation as you use the site more

iOS 7 GUI PSD (iPad)


Visual language make over

iOS 7 GUI PSD (iPad)